SCRUM managed with PMI

The routines established with SCRUM (Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, Sprint Planning, Sprint Retrospective), the values ​​that are enacted (commitment, courage, focus, openness and respect) and the practice of this agile methodology  allow for good management in the technology areas  and manages to permeate the different areas of a company, establishing different dynamics. 

However, when working with SaaS Software as a Service and especially in B2B, you have “on the other side of the table” a client with a more traditional management, where they require a single, functional deliverable to start operations and are not contemplated. partial stages, generally.

This situation represents a challenge where projects must be managed in one way for the end client with PMI and in another way internally with SCRUM and in addition they must work synchronously so that they are compatible and imperceptible for both teams.

SCRUM Diagram


As seen in the graph, the “shell” of the PMI is shown for management with the client and inside the management of agility with SCRUM as the protagonist, in the management of the internal team. 

The formalism that PMI offers with routines such as Kickoff, Scope definition, Risk Management, transfer meeting, among others, become the perfect inputs for Scrum, since there is a Backlog of well-defined tasks and with a detail of what required available to schedule within Sprints. Finally, the sum of the increments resulting from the execution of the Sprints will have a result that will be delivered to the client for validation and approval. 

Finally, the sum of the increments resulting from the execution of the Sprints will have a result that will be delivered to the client for validation and approval.

Factors to take into account in SCRUM

Once the Sprint is going to start, the objectives of the tasks to be accomplished are clear. The great difficulty is being able to adjust the WBS (detailed work structure) and the client’s activity schedule in PMI management, with the scheduling of Sprint deliverables, which must communicate well with what the client expects on specific dates.

It is a real challenge to adjust both methodologies and convey to both sides of the equation,  client and internal team, that everything is part of a single effort that allows the same objective: to implement a functionality.

This implies having a  PO-PM, Product Owner – Project Manager , meaning that the product owner has to manage the Backlog with a traditional single delivery schedule, where the product must comply with those requested and has a single delivery date. live. On the other hand, as a Project Manager you must manage all aspects of the project, risk control in the progress of developments, correction of possible indefinitions, management of necessary resources, action plans to correct schedule deviations, among others. 

Finally, maintaining the two managements in an imperceptible way is a constant day-to-day task, it is feeding on the challenges of the Daily to be able to carry out the respective change controls of the project, and for example, the materialization of a risk must become a additional Backlog task that allows you to exercise an effective action plan. 

Julián Toro

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