Excellence in supply

The transformation that organizations are experiencing today, in order to have a supply chain that becomes a competitive advantage, places the focus of the people in charge of its management on differentiating points that at a strategic level guarantee results. expected.

The combination of theory and practical guidance of sourcing based on market knowledge, good practices, industry to which the organization belongs, internal business rules and human talent are a starting point for the function of excellence in sourcing, which at Holistic level integrates different variables to carry out an intelligent design of the supply network leveraged on continuous improvement as a differential engine of the process.

Innovation and development for successful implementations in supply

Having an area of ​​excellence in supply makes the difference between continuing in the vicious circle of daily operations or focusing on successful development and implementation of the chain, achieving the strategic objectives set.

In this way, the professionals who are part of the area must have an innovative profile, working as a team daily with all the components of the process, identifying step by step the points of improvement based on the analysis of real data and focusing on those that, when developed, generate great results. differences in the result.

Beneficios del benchmarking

Facing the outside world, benchmarking that allows finding good practices to implement in the process, as well as appropriate technological solutions , are differentiating tasks at the head of the area that, with hard work of study, analysis and internal sales, will allow us to get on track. in effective implementations.

Of course, measuring the improvements involved will become a daily task that allows immediate decisions to be made to make them compatible with the expected results.

The area of ​​excellence in supply today becomes the right hand of the chain managers, acting as the counterpart to the daily operation where the focus on growth and strategic development is involved in parallel in order to achieve the results required by the organization.

Ricardo Plata

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