SaaS as a key to Digital Transformation

The adoption of Digital Transformation generates important disruptive changes in organizations and brings benefits such as faster, more agile operating models that adapt to changing environments.

Digital Transformation does not only consist of implementing technology, it is a deeper change that requires complementary processes for its success (we tell you more here), such as a change in organizational culture, training of the work team, agile methodologies and flexible platforms that are adapt to the needs of the company. In this article we will address one of these fronts: technology.

Among them we find SaaS or Software as a Service. Investments in SaaS and cloud applications to support the Digital Transformation process provide exceptional value: rapid implementation, flexibility, cost benefits, return on investment and the promise of constant innovation with continuous updates.

What has worked in organizations?

1. Organizations that moved all their technology to SaaS reported significant benefits compared to companies that implemented a mixed transformation

The benefits presented in multiple areas of companies that migrated completely to SaaS were much greater than those that remained in a mixed transformation. The following image shows some of the key benefits:

Source: Deloitte

2. Companies with full SaaS transformation saw strong ROI results

In full SaaS transformations, ROI expectations for more than two-thirds of organizations were exceeded , indicating improved business development. Likewise, when it comes to capturing the highest possible ROI, building a consistent technology structure can provide better results.

3. Faster deployments

Companies that fully committed to a SaaS structure saw significant improvements in processing speed , even relative to companies with a 75% cloud structure. These organizations made infrastructure changes more quickly, allowing for faster deployment and improvements.

Software decision makers emphasize speed and agility among the most important factors in employing SaaS. The ease of configuration of SaaS is an advantage that simplifies implementation.

4. Incorporation of technological innovation in SaaS platforms and ecosystems

Daily use of applications allows users to adapt more quickly to SaaS solutions because, over time, they become more comfortable with constant updates rather than mass revisions over long periods of time.

SaaS solutions enable organizations to adapt to new technologies more quickly and easily at the platform level and leverage innovation across vendor ecosystems.

Extracted and adapted from Deloitte..

Daniel Obregón

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