Change management, a commitment for everyone

Change management, a commitment for everyone

Supply areas require dynamism to face the daily changes in best practices and the way of developing their activities, going from being focused solely on how to attack the market to an internal change in the way of facing their links throughout the process. and the tools that make management efficient. Therefore, projects can be developed at a structural, procedural and technological level.

Factors in decision making in change management

When companies make the decision to embark on change management, they must take into account not only the objectives that are pursued, but also the impact factors that will determine whether the result is successful and, above all, that it is part of each one’s DNA. of the team members to make it sustainable over time.

The fundamental thing as the axis of the project is to have the support, backing and involvement of senior management , where at the company level it is clear to the staff that the project to be developed is part of a corporate objective and that its correct implementation will have a positive impact. only in supply management, but in the results outlined by the organization.

Next, it is a priority to involve the supply team in order to make them an active part of the project, taking the best of their ideas and combining it with the best practices found in the market. To do this, those key people in the process who are open to change must be selected, whose leadership radiates to the team, in order to transmit the commitment to the project to the group, reducing the impact of resistance to change and fear that may arise. cause them.

With the supply personnel committed to the change, they will in turn impact the other areas of the organization as internal clients, generating expectation and commitment in the application of the project practices in order to obtain the required results. level of the entire chain.

Sustainability of change management

Finally, when the project is in execution, everyone’s commitment will be to sustain the implemented practices by making constant reviews and having excellent communication between the members of the process at the organizational level that allows adequate adoption.

For its part, at the managerial level, results must be monitored and measured in order to make decisions at the right time to guarantee the correct stability of the implemented change. 

Everyone’s commitment and correct communication will improve the confidence of the team members and will surely have a competitive advantage in order to achieve the change objectives set in supply management and its new way of facing the challenges that come.

Ricardo Plata

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