MFA in Supply Management

It is of great importance to have a good security mechanism on the platforms that surround a company; Taking into account that information is fundamental, access to it must be reinforced and limited. In 2020, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) carried out a study indicating that cyberattacks amount to 1% of global GDP and it is expected that in the following years this figure will increase due to the intensive use of digital platforms; This is why we must focus  on protection against virtual threats. 

In the last year, the download of mobile applications increased, reaching a figure of 36.4 billion downloads between the Play Store and the App Store, unparalleledly exceeding the figure for 2019; However, the increase in application use is proportional to the increase in authentication attacks, resulting in identity and data theft.  As a solution to this problem, the use of MFA or two-factor authentication is recommended  in all applications and platforms to reduce the risk of breach.  

MFA provides multiple authentication options, such as: 

  • Physical Token:  something like a keychain, security USB key or similar, which can be used to generate a very strong password that is almost impossible to crack.
  • Secure Applications:  Like Authy or Google Auhenticator that generate a code for a certain time which you must enter on the platform after entering your password.  
  • Biometrics : Through fingerprint or retina reader. 

According to Auth0, with the above tools, attackers would need to access a set of breached credentials and the device used. MFA increases the time and effort required for the attacker to compromise the account, making such attacks infeasible on a large scale.  

Without a doubt, generating security mechanisms for applications is key for all companies, especially because the use of platforms is on the rise and they are today a fundamental part of the business. 

Why is double authentication important in supply management platforms? 

Given that confidential information is handled throughout supply chains, it is expected that this will be a target for cyberattacks, which can have devastating effects at a reputational and process level.  

Unpredictability is a key feature of supply chain attacks and companies have no way of knowing when an attack may arise and who it may come from. This is why the best practices in cybersecurity must be included, among these MFAs, to protect each stage of Supply management. 

By requiring users to provide two or more separate login credentials before gaining access to a file or system, MFA can help provide stronger security. Using two or more credentials means that, unlike regular passwords, MFA credentials cannot be easily shared or used across multiple accounts. 

Taking appropriate measures to protect company data ensures your confidential information and that your supply chain remains secure. 

What are the benefits?  

Purchasing processes contain sensitive data and therefore require a higher level of security to guarantee the integrity of the data processed. Some benefits of implementing an MFA solution in this process are: 

  • Guarantee an extra layer of protection in Supply Chain management. 
  • Reduce fraud in operations.
  • Create secure online connections.

Jessica Carranza

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