Clear financial information, security in your processes

Clear financial information, security in your processes

The analysis of Financial Statements (EEFF) is a fundamental element for hiring decisions and awarding contracts with other companies. These make it easier for investors or in this case “Clients” to make decisions, obtaining financial and economic information about the company to be analyzed. 

For companies that require bidding for contracts, such as suppliers with other companies, the information they provide in the company’s database is important, therefore, so that the study and validation carried out by the company regarding its suppliers is Optimally, the information provided should be clear and precise. 

Through the use of financial indicators, it is being made known how the company is doing financially, what is the level of debt, level of solvency, profitability, among others. This is why, by providing accurate information, the probability that the company (Client) sees the contracting as feasible increases.  

Key points of the Financial Statements 

These are some basic and necessary points to take into account when delivering reports to contracting or investment processes. 

  1. Real information 

The Financial Statements must have certain basic conditions that help and give reliability to the company that is carrying out the validation of the information. For this reason, it is important that the data and information contained in these presented documents agree with real information about the company. 

  1. Legible documents and detailed information 

It is important that the information contained in the documents is legible and detailed, that is, that it expresses that the data contained in the documents is clear, such as: 

  1. Presentation of documents, legible letters and numbers. 
  2. The currency in which the EEFF are expressed. 
  3. Figures expressed in thousands, millions or complete.  
  4. Date on which the EEFF information begins and ends.  
  5. EEFF signed by the Legal Representative, Accountant and Tax Auditor of the company. 
  6. EEFF notes. 

These points will help the company to be more competitive with respect to other companies, obtaining a plus and being one step ahead when analyzing and managing the data provided, which in turn will lead to other companies (clients) being interested in carrying out negotiations and operations. 

Sergio Peña

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