For digital supply though!

This blog is designed for people who think they want to change their profession and do not want to maintain their current position in the supplies area. He who wants to change his life and is tired of searching for information manually, spending the entire day checking the mail and doing research in Excel.

There are many tools in the market that make the life of the buyer focused on the analysis and length of the operation, these tools are called e-procurement, e-sourcing, which can help transform your task into a path of peace.

Let’s take a look at the different modules that make up a tool of this type and that, at the very least, make it easier to search on the internet and try to find options for your chef.

Modules for digital contracting

  1. Planning module: This is the beginning of the supply cycle, where all the information from different areas and projects of the company must be collected in terms of services for the contracting of supply materials, with the planned data, allowing the buyer to have a view 360 of your needs and also plan strategies to obtain the best supply.
  2. Module of third parties or suppliers: This point is important to meet all the requirements that all the different areas make of the companies that can provide a service or supply. Now, you can capture the data, files in different sections that allow you to validate the information.
  3. Pre-qualification module: This functionality allows you to compare a selected group of third parties or suppliers of a certain activity that needs to be validated on the same financial parameters, restrictive lists, security, experiences with other companies in similar activities and, therefore, subsequently compete. to present a proposal.
  4. Application Module : After the planning, it is very important to have the details of the two requirements in areas such as the different documents that allow the buyer to go to the market to search for technical and economic proposals. Now, it is possible to capture the technical specifications, the plans, the legal suggestions to include in a future contract, the suggestions of third parties and suppliers that allow the buyer to be ready to go to the market.
  5. Comparison module: Now is the time to obtain from the market the technical and economic proposals of the given needs, and for this, it is necessary to have a system that allows equal conditions for the participants. Opening date and date are the same, questions resolved for everyone, scheduling of meetings to visit the site, if necessary. After the proposals have been presented, it is important to have the same evaluation criteria for the specialized areas to finally have an equalized comparative table that allows all the information to be automated for decision-making.
  6. Contracting Module: When making a decision about your third party or supplier, it is important to have a tool to gather contract documents, terms, policies, guarantees, annexes and more. In addition to these documents, it is important to make all modifications to the contract, such as extension, increases, reduction, suspension, restart and term of the contract, and to ensure all traceability.
  7. Shipping module: This is one of the functionalities of this type of tool that most reduces the operational burden of the buyer, because it has the possibility of monitoring the entire process of the purchase order, I have to do the accompaniment of delays, quality claims, production plans. ação and enclosure of the supply.
  8. Electronic catalog module: Nessa functionality, the buyer can reduce much of the operational load for needs that are only very repetitive, being requested directly by the area that requires the material by always sending it to the buyer every time. Now, it is possible to configure all framework contracts with prices and conditions negotiated with specific suppliers and allow, with some rules, the end user to make or order directly.
  9. Performance and endorsement module: This is an activity that, in addition to complying with compliance rules, is important for making decisions to keep third parties and suppliers endorsed and ready to make a new hire if the numbers allow.
  10. Invoice receipt and tracking module: With the latest functionality, it is possible to date and support your purchase or contract with invoices and the different states to control the cash flow and the financial world.

There is a world beyond email and Excel that could improve your life, even for your digital supply!

Julián Toro

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