Revolutionizing Health: Strategic Alliances in the Supply Chain

Revolutionizing Health: Strategic Alliances in the Supply Chain

Supply chain management in the health sector and specifically in the hospital sector, is of great importance because it directly influences all areas and processes: costs, patient medical care and results of the hospital service.

The supply chain in the health sector is one of the processes that often faces challenges in the social, economic and environmental spheres. Hospital spending in Colombia, for example, has come to represent up to 40% in the health sector and between 30% to 40% of the hospital budget is allocated to the supply chain (OECD).

This percentage could be reduced, in addition to focusing the process on optimizing the chain and more sustainable and economical management of it. To achieve positive results, different aspects and strategies must be taken into account, one of the main ones is establishing strategic alliances that bring great benefits.

What is a strategic alliance?

We can define them as the collaboration between different actors in the health sector, from hospitals, suppliers, distributors, to manufacturers, however, among the multiple benefits of these relationships we can highlight:

  • Optimization, efficiency, sustainability : achieves optimization and sustainability of processes and resources among all alliance actors.
  • Competencies and professional development: collaboration between professionals positively influences professional growth and development.
  • Innovation, translational research : enhances the research and development of new products, processes or services.
  • Patient accessibility: equity in the accessibility of hospital services and reach of new territories and places.
  • Access to resources: greater ease of access to technologies, medicines, professionals and knowledge.

How to achieve it?

Achieving a successful alliance goes beyond contract management, an exhaustive analysis process must be carried out that allows choosing the best options according to the project or activity to be managed in the sector, a method that can work when implementing This strategy is to divide the process into 4 stages:

  1. Identification of opportunities: look for opportunities taking into account the vision, objectives and current situation.
  2. Design and development of the alliance: structure the vision of the alliance and formalize agreements, taking into account expectations and resources.
  3. Implementation of the alliance: carry out the alliance starting with pilot tests, carrying out communication flows and establishing an environment open to change.
  4. Alliance monitoring: establish a monitoring model, regular evaluations and feedback from the parties.

By working together and with well-structured partnerships, the hospital sector can address and overcome challenges, reduce costs and ensure that patients receive the care they need in a timely and effective manner.

National University of Colombia

Luisa Gaviria

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