Transparency and traceability as a direct complement to the efficiency of the supply chain

Transparency and traceability as a direct complement to the efficiency of the supply chain

Over the years the supply chain has been measured considering the variables of quantity, time and cost as essential to determine the degree of efficiency it has in our organization.  Particularly, cost has been the most important indicator that has determined the success or failure  of supply area management; This factor being the first in all management decisions seen from the economic results of the organization.

Normally the data obtained is directly applied to the comparison between budgets and value of purchases, but not to the direct implication in the timely entry of projects required by the company or correct operation without delays, these two seen as opportunity cost.

Key factors

There are two fundamental factors that determine the success of supply management and that today have gained high value within the rules and dynamism of a chain that faces its strategic position within the organization:  transparency and traceability.

By connecting internal requirements of the organization and market offerings, the supply chain must undoubtedly comply with the principle of  transparency  that  allows increasing the internal and external trust of supply actors, establishing  appropriate supply and demand rules. to obtain the best results, supplying goods and services that adapt to the real needs of the company, taking products and alternatives from the market that result in competitive differences for the benefit of the organization.

Transparency is not limited to an ethical process with clear rules, but becomes relevant in issues of corporate responsibility and at an environmental level as a fundamental axis of business behavior.

On the other hand,  traceability  becomes the integrating factor of the chain where the different internal areas directly involved in management are empowered, not only of their link but of the final result. In this way, the supply area gears the entire process and works hand in hand with all its members in an appropriate manner, guaranteeing instant decision-making in presented deviations, enacting immediate action plans as well as  enhancing the positive results that are achieved. present in the links of the chain, radiating them to the entire process.

To achieve the aforementioned results, making a correct link between the required efficiency with the transparency and traceability of the process, technology undoubtedly becomes the key to achieving its cohesion.  

We must prepare our organizations towards technological growth that allows us to fulfill our most important activity, “thinking”, guaranteeing in advance that geared, flexible and agile management  is covered under current developments that create reliable bridges inside and outside our organization. organization,  additionally resulting in a growth of the supply area as a central axis in the activities that allow the operation and development of the companies.

Ricardo Plata

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