The economic situation that has been dragging on since the impact of the pandemic has shown a 2022 that, due to different factors, reveals two reference points in Colombia: an inflation that went from closing 2021 at 5.62% to showing an October at 12, 22%, and a price of the dollar, which started the year between 3,900 – 4,000, is close to closing the year above 5,500 pesos. 

The two references mentioned are just some of the impact points that have led, and will surely lead, many companies to have a very measured 2023 in terms of investments and execution of expenses. One of these points is investment in technology, which without a doubt and ironically, has had an important driving force in the crisis generated by the pandemic and which forced multiple organizations to pay urgent attention to the digitalization of their processes. 

Why invest in technology?  

Investment in technology cannot wait, each year of disinvestment in this work front can represent a delay of 42% to 65% for companies in generating efficiencies, increasing productivity, competitiveness and generating new lines of business. . However, the challenge for local companies is how to advance under global quality standards, but at prices that can be adapted to regional realities. 

Many times local companies do not generate digital financial planning and advance in technicalization processes only leveraged on foreign tools that at points, like the current one, can represent an outflow of resources that consume the efficiencies achieved so far (payment of invoices in dollars ). The bill that was regularly paid to this foreign ally now suffers an increase of 30%, with high possibilities of continuing to increase. 

This is where an evaluation must be made that analyzes tools that cover the long-awaited “world-class size”, but that actually land at local prices. The obvious and immediate impact advantages will not only rest on the price, it will also be evident that factors such as: tax logic, business logic itself, common practices in the region and even predefined workflows in the system, will fit almost naturally to the use national tools . 

In the short, medium and long term, trusting in local digitalization tools will not only help with the expansion of the business in: more agile processes, traceability, transparency, being at the forefront, but will also allow for savings and efficiencies that cannot be are consumed by the usability of the system itself. 

Andrés Sarmiento

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