Technology: oxygen for processes

During the last few months, companies have experienced transformative moments, forced mainly by the global situation in which the use of technology is decisive in the continuity of their operations and maintenance.

Technology as a task optimization tool

Our supply area attests to what happened, where as an organization, if we were prepared with technology, we were able to leverage the operation from day zero and if we did not have current tools, today we are quickly on our way to implementing them as part of our daily activities.

Beyond the declared need for innovation as a basic requirement for survival, it is important to see it as an opportunity to oxygenate our processes and practices used to carry out our work in an appropriate way, guaranteeing compliance with the obligations imposed by the regulations that regulate our activities. but clearly reviewing those steps that generate value and those that do not, which have been inherited or imposed and became bureaucratic procedures that, with a view to increasing productivity, can be ignored.

Advantages offered by technological implementation

In this way, we can cover a single improvement objective by leveraging technological implementation, adjusting the process to make it efficient. For this, simplicity, elimination of repetitive steps, implementation of automatic flows, reduction of activities that do not add value, elimination of paper use to zero, traceability with access to supply chain actors, process measurement, integration of activities and those inherent to the company’s business rules, must be immersed in this joint task of excellence.

It is time to reengineer our way of approaching supply management to turn it into a competitive advantage for the company and what more opportunity than this key moment we are experiencing to achieve this, guaranteeing the stability of the company and leveraging rapid growth as corporate objective.

Ricardo Plata

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