Paradoxically, the end of the year begins. After several months convulsed by abrupt changes in the daily lives of all companies in the world, 2021 is beginning to close and it is time to bring to the table the list of objectives achieved or those that failed to see the light . It is time to emphasize the most strategic objectives of the company and validate what was done well to enhance it and what was wrong to rethink the path and adjust it in the year to come. It is there where aspects such as: sales compliance, income compliance, how efficient the company was this year, what we promised to deliver and in the end what we are going to commit to in the face of new objectives to be defined are validated.

Keys to defining business goals

In these days of reviews, adjustments and projections, it is key to set some guidelines so that what is defined as a new goal for the company, either maintains the pace in cases where the results were favorable, or defines the appropriate corrective measures to be able to direct the company towards better horizons. For this it is key to keep in mind:

1. Ambitious but reasonable goals

In some companies, the spirit of setting very aggressive goals as a goal to push all teams to the limit is usually present, however, great care must be taken with this strategy since keeping teams unmotivated because the objective is never achieved can be more harmful than the fact of inspiring them to higher challenges . The capabilities and tools that the company has must be very well validated in order to define ambitious challenges.

2. Validate the timing very well

 Another recurring mistake is not properly organizing the timing of the objectives to be pursued and therefore what must happen first to reach them. In an effort to achieve the desired result, teams usually require deliverable A, when input B is decisive , but it was not requested or developed on time. Failure is evident on the fly and the determining factor in the adequate definition of plans and delivery times is also evident.

3. Get out of the comfort zone

 It is an expression that applies to many fronts and, in this particular one, seeks to reference those companies that have found a dynamic of growth and operation where they are excessively comfortable and thinking about reaching the next level makes them uncomfortable due to the additional efforts it implies. It is key to maintain the good that is being done, but always making the company uncomfortable at the right level to take it to the next step of growth and positioning.

Each company is a unique ecosystem that is governed by rules that its culture and history have built for it. However, regardless of how particular they are, it is uniform to always establish challenging, reasonable, sustained and planned objectives so that, when the time comes to move on to the retrospective review, the halo of victory is greater than the points where there is no what was promised was fulfilled.

Andrés Sarmiento

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