The reform of digital supply!

Each new term of government is an opportunity for voters to implement changes on issues that do not work well or that work partially well. To carry out these changes, proposals for improvement, review of different points of view, analysis of the implications and consequences of the proposed changes are required . The way to implement these changes is through reforms presented to the legislative branch with the intention of being approved.

However, most of these reforms are subject to objections, objections, modifications or even profound changes that involve rewriting the content, debating and reconstructing. This process is a fundamental part of political work and can be compared to digital supply projects in companies. 

Projects for digital supply

Initially, these projects arise as a need for change in companies, sponsored by someone willing to present a proposal for a new way of working in the purchasing area, with the aim of implementing more agile, digital, traceable and transparent practices. , which allow the buyer’s work to be transformed from transactional to strategic. 

Phases for a digital sourcing project

Once you have a general idea and begin implementing the project, a functional design of the needs is made and presented to the different areas of the company that act as “legislative power,” providing input to make a decision. In this process, different points of view emerge. 

  • The technology area , if it is not the original promoter of the project, may feel that the project attacks its policies and roadmap drawn up for digital transformation, becoming a staunch opponent that is usually difficult to convert into an adherent. It takes time, dedication and effort to achieve it. 
  • Another area that, although it directly benefits, may offer resistance to change is the supply area , since they are accustomed to a way of operating and a comfort that may be harmed with the implementation of the project. In this case, it is crucial to involve them in the early stages of the project to make them participate and own it. 
  • Support areas that are not directly impacted, but that need to approve the project, are important to have constant and fluid communication. These areas include operational risk, legal, communications, human resources, finance, strategic planning, cybersecurity, among others. 

In the process of implementing digital sourcing projects, there are many promoters and detractors. It takes a lot of tact to sell the project, understanding when it is necessary to make structural changes to the original plan, when is the right time to present it to the steering committee , which are the main interlocutors that should be included and which should be excluded for the good of the project.

Julián Toro

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