Digital transformation in the Purchasing area

Digital transformation in the Purchasing area

New technologies have been perfectly adapted to the internal processes of companies. Digital transformation in the Purchasing area  becomes a key factor for operational and functional improvement.

The purchasing area of ​​a company is in charge of different specific functions such as: purchase planning, supply management, and supply chain, logistics, price negotiation, inventory control, risk management, legal and value analysis. Additionally, purchases influence the price of a company’s product and can have an impact on operating costs.

Where does digital transformation intervene in the purchasing area?

  • Every digital transformation carries with it different technological attributes, software, business models, etc., which can be a big change in any department of a company.
  • Digital technologies can help procurement increase collaboration, analysis and engagement using tools across the entire procurement value chain, including planning, sourcing, contract management, order delivery, order control and purchasing. payments and supplier management.
  • Another key element that strengthens the idea of ​​digital transformation in the purchasing area is related to the automation of internal processes and their transparency.
  • The digitalization of processes can positively influence the environment of the purchasing department, changing the agility of decision-making and significantly innovating its value proposition and the organization in general.

Some key points in the digital transformation strategy

  1. It is important to have a flexible strategy that allows you to quickly adapt to changes in the environment.
  2. Have a medium and long-term action plan that serves as a guide for future strategies. 
  3. Align strategy to corporate objectives.
  4. Eliminate roles, processes or responsibilities that are not necessary, as well as eliminate metrics that do not reflect the reality of the business after digitization.

Angie Góngora

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