Successful expediting

The purchase of goods in the organization has a high impact on both the maintenance of the operation and the growth of the company based on the requirement of materials and equipment for projects under development. It is an essential part of our supply function to have the necessary goods at the required time, which is ultimately what defines the success or otherwise of our management. The above, because it generates a direct impact on the supply chain and therefore its correct functioning generates high exposure and visibility in the company.

Why is expediting important for a company?

For the success of the deliveries of goods, it is essential to apply good practices, moving to a proactive approach to monitoring the delivery logistics chain and not reactive as was done in the past when the main focus was to attack delays and bottlenecks already presented, generating inefficiencies and cost overruns when trying to remedy these situations.

Expediting allows us not only to minimize quality risks through strict monitoring and attention to manufacturing milestones (such as the materials used) and equipment testing mainly in projects, but also as a predominant aspect the tendency to “always” achieve on-time deliveries. of goods and materials on the required dates. This is achieved through constant monitoring of delivery logistics where not only the supplier and buyer but also those actors in the logistics chain emerge as predominant figures.

Expediting components

The main components of Expediting are based on monitoring production and testing milestones, quality controls, packaging and shipping, import and nationalization logistics, quality and use support documents, deliveries and entries into the warehouse, and after-sales service.

The above is always complemented with the result of the OTIF indicator “On Time In Full” that measures the percentage of shipments that arrive on time, with the product and quantity requested, and to the place indicated by the buyer, which in turn feeds back to the performance of the supplier as a fundamental aspect for making action plans and inviting future purchasing processes.

Having a clear and online system that allows the monitoring and measurement of the entire manufacturing and delivery process today becomes necessary and the right hand of companies with the always trend towards increasingly demanding excellence in our area of catering.

Learn more about our solution at Expediting here:

Ricardo Plata

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