At first glance, cycling and shopping and supply may seem like two very different fields. However, when you dig a little deeper into each of these activities, you can find surprising similarities. 

Similarities in supply and the Giro d’Italia

First of all, both cycling and the purchasing and supply areas require detailed and rigorous planning. In cycling, cyclists must plan their training and races, establish goals and strategies to achieve them, as well as follow a diet and rest plan to stay in shape .

Likewise, in the areas of purchasing and sourcing, careful planning is required for the acquisition of goods and services , including identifying suppliers, evaluating proposals, negotiating contracts and managing the supply chain. 

Another similarity is the importance of strategy. In both one and the other, it is necessary to have a clear and effective strategy to achieve the desired objectives. In cycling, this may include choosing the best time to attack or sprint, while in purchasing, strategy may involve choosing suppliers who offer the best prices and quality , managing delivery times and inventories, the ideal tool for the company’s process and moment. 

Communication is also an important skill : In cycling, cyclists need to communicate effectively with their team to coordinate strategies and make decisions in real time. Likewise, in the supply areas, in terms of the internal gearing of the teams , a synchronized performance that accompanies the business objectives is decisive, and in terms of the outside of the company, it is important to establish effective communication with suppliers to negotiate. contracts, solve problems and establish long-term relationships. 

Finally, the two fronts in comparison require a persevering attitude and a mentality of continuous improvement. In cycling, cyclists must face numerous physical and mental challenges and constantly work to improve their performance. Similarly, in the areas of purchasing and supply, it is necessary to be prepared to face challenges such as inflation, shortages of materials, among others , and constantly work to find solutions and improve processes. 


In summary, although it may seem surprising, there are numerous similarities between one work front and the other, which, although in dissimilar scenarios, have a lot to contribute to each other. Both fields require rigorous planning, effective strategies, effective communication, perseverance, and a mindset of continuous improvement to achieve desired goals. Ultimately, the skills and tools needed to be successful in cycling and shopping can be transferable to many other fields of life and work. 

Andrés Sarmiento

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