Keys to creating a successful supply committee

Keys to creating a successful supply committee

In many organizations, one of the definitive steps for opening and/or closing purchasing and contracting processes is the presentation before supply committees; which, according to the organization’s policies, may have different members according to the specialty of the requirements, amounts, risks, among others.

It is essential to achieve successful results to correctly prepare and support the topics, for which there are key aspects to take into account.

Key elements in the Supply Committee

  • Create a clear and concise agenda where the topics to be presented and the required request are specified according to the result to be presented.
  • Send the agenda in advance so that the members of the supply committee can read the points included.
  • Prepare supporting information for each of the topics. This will be key to show at the right time.
  • Conduct the supply committee on the appointed date and time. Compliance is a defining aspect of a successful startup.
  • It shows in a brief space the monitoring of previous points that had pending key activities, their progress and/or closure.
  • Within the detail of each of the points to be presented, it is important that you include history of the requirement, process schedules, traceability, casuistry of this, alternatives considered and compliance with policies and procedures.
  • At a technical level, it is definitive to have an alignment with the expert who supports the need in order to guarantee that the results meet the specific requirement.
  • Highlights the importance of the requirement to achieve organizational objectives at the level of growth and operation, among others.
  • Emphasize lessons learned from other processes taken into account within the project you are presenting, as well as the implementation of best practices included within its development.
  • It guarantees the consensus of the committee members and specifically and punctually records the results obtained, without leaving aside those aspects to be taken into account in future processes.
  • Closes the supply committee, complying with organizational policies at the administrative level regarding physical or electronic signatures of the minutes corresponding to the end of the session.
  • Register the committee in the system or platform used for this purpose.

Having a technological system that links the requirements to be presented with the previous advance process, as well as with its future execution and that at an administrative level reduces the transactional burden in the generation of agendas, invitations, support information, minutes and registration, allows our attention to fall in the most important aspects of the presentation of the topics, making the supply committee an enriching and highly strategic space in purchasing and contracting management.

Ricardo Plata

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