Charger, inside or outside the box?

The most recent announcement by the giant Apple has generated a lot of noise these days when it states that its next cell phone launch will be characterized by not including the traditional complementary products: headphones and charger , this being the one that has generated the most stir as it is an element determining factor in the functioning of the principal.

Beyond the controversy, determining whether it is right or wrong, describing it as improper and even a betrayal towards the brand’s loyal followers, it is worth pausing and highlighting points that feed us into the analysis from a supply perspective, efficiency, business strategy and resource management. To do this, we will take 4 of the most popularly commented points, 2 in favor and 2 against the measure , but doing an analysis from the perspectives listed above and seeing how from there each one will be able to extract solutions to apply in their own companies or businesses.

Points in favor

Sustainable Supply

Eliminating complementary accessories is based on the main argument of being a measure that seeks to protect the environment and technological waste. Ensuring that the development of a business includes in its DNA the awareness of always caring for the environment and promoting a positive impact on the environment is a latent challenge in all companies and should be a basic pillar of those that are being developed so far. . It should not respond to fashions, to “makeup” to sell more, but on the contrary be a value, principle and key north of each company.

Efficiency in operation and logistics

The reduction in space allows more devices to be included per charge. Removing the accessories from the main box allows exponential efficiency in space, production materials and transportation costs. Thus, the company manages to provide alternatives that in some way strategically compensate for the negative impacts recently generated due to the pandemic and that have ended in the closure of points of sale, the postponement of the launch of the new line and, additionally, compensates for the monetary efforts that the company has incurred for technological renewal.

Points against

Non-corrective digitization

Removing the charger as an early warning for the conversion of cell phones to wireless devices. The purpose of digitizing tends to provide a definitive solution to manual processes, with a high probability of error and that require significant operation times. However, when the approach is incorrect and a non-corrective digitization is performed, the “main pain” is not cured, but is transferred to another point in the chain.

Digitization must attack the root of the problem, be reviewed with all the factors involved, undergo the proper validation process and then go live. In the case in question, the charger is being moved to a new device that will be the one that must be connected to the wall and that requires more effort in charging.

Consistent value offer

The only device that is announced to accompany the cell phones will be a new USB cable. Putting on the table the inclusion of a new element that goes against the initial value proposition automatically leads to a loss of brand credibility and can be a risky strategy for the company.

The value proposition of companies must be coherent, seeking correct alignment with clients and in turn with suppliers. Stating that the elimination of the complementary ones is environmentally conscious, but at the same time including a new incomplete device in the box is something that automatically contradicts itself: for the main one to work, the user is forced to buy the missing part of the new device, thus generating a mass production front that also represents an extra cost to the user.

Genius, savings plan, sourcing strategy, deception, new product launches, new trends, etc. Whatever the qualifier you want to give to this release, the truth is that it involves innumerable approaches and analyses. Here we only summarize 4. Everyone is welcome to propose their own and draw their own conclusions.

Andrés Sarmiento

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