The Supply Chain Finance Metaverse

The existence of a metaverse, the usability and support of cryptocurrencies in financial transactions, the appearance of NFTs (Non-fungible tokens), the internet of things and the exponential participation of blockchain to define an increasingly dematerialized world aimed at digitalization, progressively begin to have a space on the agenda; similar to the change that the appearance of the Internet represented at the time, the impact that it gradually generated in all industries and even in people’s everyday lives.

Now, the possibilities at first glance seem endless. Different industries have been exploring the digitalization of processes, products, and value propositions for several years now, and we see, for example, in the entertainment industry many more representations of how we can be participants in virtual realities that connect and have influence with material reality.

Supply and finance processes could not be the exception. It is already evident how from the very origin of the product offering the digital proposal is more common, reaching the point where there are totally digital environments in which people or companies can connect to validate inventories, products, functionalities, perform usability tests, simulate scenarios and even actively participate in auctions to obtain the desired good or service. This is how physical travel to purchase goods and services is increasingly obsolete (the pandemic situation being a positive catalyst for all progress).

In addition to the offer, the framework associated with the execution of supply and finance processes is also undergoing digitalization. If we review the control of suppliers, the traceability and management of orders, the administration of requests (user interaction – purchases), the generation and receipt of invoices, the control of resources and the implementation of tenders, these are operations that are being born. and developing in digital environments and that in their improvement as a financial transaction, they also find dematerialized alternatives. Proposing an operation today that requires physical supports automatically becomes a variable that is detrimental to the business proposal.

Digitalization is here to stay and it will be common for everything from the most basic personal purchase to the most robust business transaction to be executed through 100% technological environments. Renting a space in the metaverse to create a brand presence, show a new product, present a new functionality to the public, enable environments for testing and even generate spaces for interaction between companies will be common on a daily basis. Currently, each decade represents an evolutionary leap of almost 100 years compared to previous rates of development, we only have to wait for the next one to see what level of modernization and sophistication of processes will confront us.

Andrés Sarmiento

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