Closing and balance of our supply management

Closing and balance of our supply management

The end of the year in our supply areas is framed by hard hours of work giving final fulfillment to the established planning and budget closures for this period, as well as the hard work to guarantee that the needs of the first quarter of the coming year are covered in the organization.

However, it is essential as those responsible for the chain to stop along the way by analyzing the work carried out and the results obtained, always considering the variables that affected us negatively and positively this year, the way we approach the challenges, errors, achievements obtained and other inputs in our operation in order to strengthen ourselves for next year.

Analysis of supply management

We must approach this analysis from a quantitative and qualitative point of view. The established indicators that allow our measurement become a fundamental tool to establish our performance and quantitatively measure our year, which is why having tools that facilitate this work is essential to dedicate ourselves to analyzing and improving without exhausting ourselves in the manual expedition of data.

The above information and analysis must always be complemented with those quantitative variables that measure our management, such as, among others, the degree of adaptation and response to new challenges such as those presented this year, level of acceptance of our management in the company and cohesion with the other areas of the organizations participating in the chain but mainly and especially this year our advances in innovation applied to our work, which in this period were fundamental to moving the chain forward in times of crisis.

New challenges are coming for next year and we must make the most of the lessons learned by framing our work not only at an organizational level in achieving results but as professionals in the chain to enhance it with our existing resources and those offered by the market. turning them into an assertive means for our operation.

Ricardo Plata

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