How to reduce risks before bidding?

Currently managing the purchasing area requires having the ability to control possible risks within the supply chain; Not taking a risk into account normally translates into higher costs in resources and time for the company.

Every day, increasingly larger threats focus on the suppliers that are going to be contracted. Therefore, it is important to have updated and detailed information from suppliers/third parties to make decisions that help reduce impasses and save money in a timely manner.

One of the most efficient ways to mitigate these risks is through  prequalification of suppliers . To have better results, it is important that this tool be used before the start of the bidding processes, and in this way confirm that the contractors meet the minimum conditions to participate in the process and become a strategic ally of the company.

Ways to prequalify risks before bidding

There are different aspects that can be taken into account when prequalifying potential contractors, among which the following are recommended:

Legal prequalification:

It is essential to know if the company that is going to be invited to the bidding process has any type of SAGRILAFT registration and if it is constituted as a company with all the formalities required by law, given that without these prerequisites it is possible to negotiate with allies that They may not be constituted as companies or, in the worst case, they may have relationships with third parties reported on international lists.

Financial Prequalification:

It is relevant to understand whether the prequalified supplier has the financial capacity to comply with the commitments that are being contracted, given that without this validation there may be possible non-compliance on the part of the ally, which translates into large costs, reprocessing and time within the supply chain.

Precalificación HSE (Health, Safety y Environment):

That contractors comply with safety, health and environmental policies is crucial for contracting any type of service, given that they can be contracted with companies that allow labor exploitation and/or companies that generate negative externalities in the environment without even know it.

Precalificación técnica:

It is important to have an evaluation in which it is confirmed that the companies that are going to be presented in the bidding process comply with the required experience and certifications, to avoid hiring companies that do not have the ideal knowledge and experience to execute the contract.

David Santoyo

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