Scrum: from its origins in rugby to team management

Scrum: from its origins in rugby to team management

Rugby, whose origin dates back to 1823 by the Englishman William Webb Ellis at the Rugby School, is the sport that in turn inspired the origin of the agility methodology called “scrum”, this corresponds to a specific training within the game where The forwards (8 in total from each team, commonly known as the forward pack ) compete for the oval ball after a minor infraction; In Argentina, the only power in Latin America so far in rugby, they call this formation “melé”. 

The inspiration and relationship with the methodology is not minor, given the nature of  collaborative work, self-regulation, continuous learning, ability to react to changes in the environment, unconditional support  and other elements in general of the sport and the methodology that achieve a close relationship in terms general. 

Each person who participates in training has a  specific function and role that they fully fulfill to achieve a  single and common objective.  In the case of rugby it is achieving possession of the ball; In the first row there is a hooker (#2) who is in charge of gaining possession of the ball with his heel and is supported between two pillars (#1 and #3) who fulfill the function of pushing, in the second row there is Located right between the pillars and the hooker, the second lines (#4 and #5), who set the position and exert the main push, and to their sides the “wings” (#6 and #7) who stabilize the formation and must be ready to escape in case of losing the formation and finally, in the third row is the player number 8 (#8) who is in charge of pushing and maintaining the position of the ball in case of winning the formation until he considers it necessary. This description of  constant push to meet the objective , but with detail of specific tasks, is precisely the nature of the scrum team , through the specific responsibilities of the developers, scrum master and product owner they seek to achieve the objective. 

Within the pillars of the methodology are  transparency, inspection and adaptation , in sport the scrum formation has a  highly changing environment  since at each opportunity the opponent can  change its strategy , short and constant pushes, pushes with separate frequencies but with greater intensity, rotation of the formation through specific pressure from its wings, among others, which implies in the group of forwards of the team,  maintaining constant communication  of the evolution of the formation, in such a way that the rest of the players of the team (7 in total from each team, commonly known as lines) can position themselves in attack or defense and can make a decision based on the result of the formation. Every second, every movement in the formation implies an adaptation of each function  to continue searching for the objective and each member, upon feeling the advance or retreat, must  self-manage within their position . 

Values ​​of the Scrum methodology

The values ​​of the scrum methodology are not only in the formation of the game (rugby) but in general in the entire game. 

  • Respect   is the highest value in the game, “a game of villains, played by gentlemen” despite having so much physical contact, respect for the opponent, the teammate and the referee is absolute, it is difficult to see a rugby player arguing an arbitration decision and if this occurs, the judge can determine a loss of five meters of own field whenever there are comments from the players. 
  • Commitment   is invaluable in rugby, a player can even declare himself the best on the field without having touched the ball during the entire match . Support, drive, presence on the court can  make the difference when it comes to achieving goals . 
  • Courage  in the face of difficulties that may arise during the game ,  such as having a top opponent who beats you in speed and strength,  proposing various team alternatives  when containing defense with  quick turns that allow constant improvement  during the development of the game. game. 
  • Changes of players in rugby generally occur due to injuries or fatigue. It is difficult for a rugby player, no matter how motivated he is in the game, to show his annoyance with the coaches when he is substituted. There is awareness  that the decisions made are part of a best option for the team , demonstrating  openness and transparency .
  • Finally,  focusing  on the objective is key for each of the fifteen rugby players in each position, knowing that in case of any failure it must be  corrected on the fly , that it is not necessary to receive constant instructions, the rugby coach is normally in the stands observing the game from a peripheral position, the preparation and prior planning of the week’s game allows the player to  make decisions and support his teammates  and get a try!

Julián Toro

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