Technological investment in the Supply Chain

Technological investment in the Supply Chain

Having correct management in the Supply Chain is not a simple job, that is why companies have decided to invest in technology to improve the Supply Chain, this is because it provides added value to products and/or services. that lends; Nowadays it is very rare to see or imagine that companies carry out all their processes manually. 

Technology in the supply chain 

Before, companies made their products completely manually, thanks to the technological advances that have been presented over the years, they can invest in technology to improve the Supply Chain to optimize the entire process from budget to payment. . 

When investing in technology, you not only have to think about trends or innovation, but also about improving the company’s times, capital, personnel, among others. It is important that companies adapt to technological advances and in this way they will generate added value and a better positioning in the market. 

Benefits of technology in the supply chain 

These are some of the benefits that technology can provide in the Supply Chain: 

  • Visualize the chain in real time with the use of technologies such as  Cloud Computing, Big Data, Business Intelligence,  among others. 
  • Improve the shopping experience in such a competitive market. 
  • Contributes to the transparency and traceability of processes. 
  • The supply chain becomes more integrated and efficient. 

These benefits have managed to optimize the Supply Chain by reducing times and costs, as well as the connection with suppliers and customers, improving inventory storage and security.  

Technology allows companies to fully integrate logistics processes in an agile, efficient and transparent manner. In this way, decision making will be precise and customer service will be improved. 


These are some advantages that companies can present if they decide to invest in technology in the Supply Chain: 

  • Facilitates the identification of points of improvement. 
  • Optimize operations. 
  • Improved visibility across the entire value chain. 
  • Faster and more accurate decision making. 
  • Greater efficiency and effectiveness. 
  • Improvement in response times and user experience. 

Angie Góngora

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