Women in Supply Chain Finance

Gender equality is an issue that is becoming more and more relevant, no matter what the context in which we are addressing the conversation: politics, sports, family, salary compensation, among others, the inclination to close the dominant gap between men and women. women, has become a maxim to balance, doing more and more justice to the great contributions that have been directly or indirectly restricted to the female gender.

The Supply Chain Finance context could not be oblivious to this reality. Focusing on the evolution of the logic of the supply chain itself, we can find an origin clearly associated with a process of provision of elements whose main requirement was to have the potential to achieve their locomotion, in summary: a task of effort physical that a man could be better able to perform.

The logic evolved and those responsible for Supply Chain were no longer only seen as those in charge of providing materials or inputs. The role became radically strategic in the very guidelines of the company until reaching the point of matching the gears of the definitions and needs of the financial, business and management teams.

It was in this way that a role whose focus was centralized on physical faculties migrated and involved women, who under their preparation and strategic development, began step by step to take on more and more presence in a work niche demarcated exclusively for the man. Today we see a galloping participation that in recent studies (carried out in 2021 in the 1,000 largest companies in Colombia) showed that of every 10 leaders of Supply Chain Finance teams, 4 were women. There is still work to be done, however, it is worth mentioning that the same study for 2018 showed a poor result of only 1 in 10.

The route will continue to show us that the preponderance of soft skills, analysis, digital focus, strategy, organization, among others, will set the tone for those responsible for Supply Chain Finance teams, beyond a vision reduced only to physical capabilities or worse yet. , limited to the version of the “natural” role that each gender must carry where the woman is isolated by directing her to be focused on the home and family without the possibility of developing her maximum potential and being the protagonist of a changing role that each takes. increasingly a key role in the management definitions of any company.  

Andrés Sarmiento

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