Quality 4.0: Transforming the customer experience 

Quality 4.0: Transforming the customer experience 

When talking about customer experience, it is common to focus on the service and prices of the product or service you are about to purchase. However, customer experience is an iceberg that even begins in the production of the product or service. This stage partly defines quality and, therefore, influences the entire customer experience process. 

Today, consumers are more aware of their purchases and although many factors that are considered to determine “quality” are not directly related to the product, they are aspects that affect their perspective, since quality is vital in their experience. 

Customer experience challenges

Guaranteeing customer satisfaction from the quality area can be a challenge, but by incorporating strategies with a focus on quality 4.0, which takes advantage of technology to improve it and obtain the expected results, because it allows optimizing this experience through the different tools it provides: 

Data collection 

Through the collection of data from all clients, the visualization of relevant information is facilitated, allowing strategies to be managed with focus groups, increasing punctuality and transparency in processes. 

Predictive analysis 

Predictive analysis can become a tool of great value in the area of ​​quality, since by knowing possible future situations regarding the product or service, support can be provided to the customer in advance, improving their consumption perspective in a positive way. 


Automation, used properly, generates time savings and process efficiency. It is important to avoid the trap of overly automating customer touchpoints. Communication with an advisor should be allowed to generate empathy and take advantage of automation in the preamble of the contact to collect information about situations or cases that customers experience when making or after making the purchase. From quality, this information is used to understand the customer’s feelings, the root causes of the problems and act with strategies to improve the customer experience. 

In short, quality is no longer evaluated solely by the production process or the completion of the product or service offered. It is part of a comprehensive process that directly impacts the customer experience. Therefore, it is necessary to include within the strategies a comprehensive plan reinforced with technological tools that provide an exceptional customer experience from start to finish, exceeding their expectations.  

References: Gartner – CQI 

Luisa Gaviria

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