Fewer pivots and more shock absorbers in business management

Fewer pivots and more shock absorbers in business management

It is quite common to have internal and/or external customer service teams in companies that take different positions regarding requirements, complaints or suggestions.

Below are some types that could help you identify and take actions that increase the positive perception of the work team:


People with good availability but who lack the necessary knowledge. With the best intentions, they receive and transfer the need to the team that truly does the management ; They usually give quick answers, such as: “we are evaluating your requirement”, “we will review immediately”, but in reality the analyzes are basic due to their knowledge of the product.

They result in a “pivot” for someone else to resolve. They can even generate in the client a wrong perception of a prompt solution, in the face of requirements that are not achievable due to their complexity. These people can cause a loss of reliability in the entire work team and generate wear and tear on the team that receives and finally resolves the request. They require much more arduous work, since you must constantly train, accompany and teach how each type of requirement is resolved.


Like the previous type, they have partial knowledge of the product, but try to retain the need without passing responsibility to someone else, and their responses to the customer may be unfounded. This could generate an adverse effect, skepticism from the client and the need ends up being escalated with someone else, producing a cancellation that implies a constant rotation of interlocutors.

At this point, it is important to reinforce training on the product, since the purpose of solving is already immersed in its management.


These people involve different interlocutors with the aim of communicating and building 360° solutions , but it can wear out the organization quite a bit because they do not have clear and defined managers. The one who ultimately suffers the consequences is the client, who does not receive a timely response.

This type of management can be interesting since it generates knowledge of the product and an approach to problems as a whole. For it to be effective, it involves synchronized teams with defined structures, where responsibilities must be sufficiently clear to carry out timely management of the client’s requirements.


These people activate different work fronts for the same solution and unlike the group of connectors , they generate isolated efforts in the work teams, unproductivity and nullify the synergy. This type of management can have a good effect only if the teams involved do not have a natural connection and the root cause is still unknown and an initial diagnosis is being made in order to make an action plan.

Shock absorbers

These are the customer service people who put the customer at the center and feel the need as their own, to the point of appropriating the solution until total closure . This cushioning of the client’s need must come with a differentiated action in each case.

The secret of effective management is to carry out a correct analysis that leads to making the best decision to derive, assume, connect or activate different work fronts to obtain the most opportune solution for the client. Constant monitoring in the case of delegations is one of the most important aspects for the success of this type of people, even in cases where they do not have sufficient knowledge. It is the natural way to train in the different characteristics of the product without the need to make structured plans, where the details found when dealing with a specific case may not be reached. The above characteristics, together with correct documentation of cases as a lesson learned, is a combination that every person in the company’s customer service area should practice, making day-to-day work a generation of incremental value for the entire organization and for the well-being of clients.

Julián Toro

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