Keys to improve visibility in the Supply Chain

Keys to improve visibility in the Supply Chain

Visibility in the Supply Chain represents a competitive advantage for organizations, as it allows them to quickly adapt to changing contexts, mitigate risks, quickly manage possible interruptions in the Chain, among others; all this enhanced through technology and data analysis.

Key elements to gain visibility

1.  Include an end-to-end solution

All actors in the Supply Chain, including suppliers, must interact on a single platform to share relevant and updated information. End-to-end solutions with a single username and password (single-sign-on) allow you to find points of improvement more quickly, making it easier to take corrective measures in the process.

To achieve this, a flexible, robust and secure technological solution is needed that allows you to have information about suppliers at all levels, control the movement of goods at all stages of the Supply Chain and carry out detailed monitoring of the execution of contracts.

2. Implement Data Analysis

Times of crisis, changes in the market or situations that arise worldwide can affect the Supply Chain, this has prompted more organizations to incorporate data analysis tools to avoid interruptions in their operations.

The capture, analysis and management of data has gone from being optional to a necessity. For this strategy to be successful, it must incorporate data from inventory, finances, acquisitions, ERP, times, as well as external factors that can affect the Chain such as weather, natural disasters, riots, or price fluctuations of products and raw materials. The incorporation of this data allows us to understand the context in an optimal way to make strategic decisions in normal or extreme conditions.

3. Have Cloud technology

The agility, scalability and flexibility of Cloud tools make them essential elements in modern Supply Chains. Cloud technology facilitates adaptation to changes, allows for updated information in real time, promotes collaborative work, facilitates the permanent adoption of technological updates and allows the integration of new business components to innovate in operations.

These characteristics make a Cloud tool key to achieving Supply Chain visibility, especially if it includes the elements mentioned above: end-to-end management, data analysis and ease of work for all actors. (Learn more benefits of Cloud solutions )

The incorporation of these elements not only increases the visibility of the Supply Chain, it also allows operations to be transformed from reactive to predictive, with early alerts that allow better management.

Tatiana Calero

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