Supply vs. Corruption

There are increasingly more high-profile cases that, unfortunately, lead to corruption scandals at the national level. It is undeniable to keep in mind that the human factor will always exist, whether as a misuser of a procedure or as an enhancer of good practices; however, it is surprising how, in many cases, accompanying this factor are serious gaps in processes or an almost total absence of facilitators , which may well be technological, to channel the contracting or execution of high-impact projects.

Initiatives with diverse objectives are executed through processes that little or nothing contemplate bases, n some cases elementary, of the theory associated with purchasing or supply. The most contradictory thing in some cases is how the great potential of leveraging technology to achieve an adequate deliverable under control, traceability and transparency guidelines is forgotten or set aside.

How to improve processes?

We tell you some examples of how the appropriate process or the correct tool can help combat the incorrect linking or contractual execution of an initiative that ends in a corrupt process:

Adequate supplier linkage

The selection of future strategic allies should not be an assignment process with a single proposer (unless their qualities and the evaluation define it), it should have several options that go through an evaluation filter where the experience of each. To speed up the process and at the same time have many more options, you can opt for digital tools that in record time allow the selection and pre-validation of suppliers without the need to incur long and exhausting manual processes.

Contract management

This process, which requires documentary support, can easily be controlled online to have traceability and surveillance of the observations associated with the document by each of the participants, details of other agreements, linking and validation of policies (real-time alerts about possible expirations and validation of issuer), contractual execution with limitations per profile, thus avoiding over-executions without support.

Online offers

In order to avoid long processes, falling into the abuse of using physical tools (AZ of printed information with multiple copies), not achieving savings by being focused on the operational task, platforms can be used where the invitation of proposers is virtual, supports and traces are left in the system, agility is achieved and a mark is always left of those who participate and the reasons – prices for which in the end a selection results.

The tools for linking, execution and control are within the reach of any initiative. It is the responsibility of companies to make adequate use of them to find Purchasing/Supply the key ally in the execution of successful projects.

Andrés Sarmiento

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