The customer is not always right

Surely we have all heard at some point the centuries-old phrase that indicates that the customer is always right, which summarizes that any business depends on its customers and that keeping them satisfied must be a supreme maxim. However, this is not true on all occasions, and a business must build its approach to the experience and success of its customers on this basis.

From the purchasing areas we must understand, in the face of our suppliers as allies, that a client who does not value the service provided can seriously affect the functioning of a company, so it is key to consider the consequences in the medium and long term. of working with a client that is not the right one:

  • Energy : A negative client will sap the energy of a team, they will always want more attention than others, as well as consume the finite resources of a team without respecting the team’s time. Affecting the morale and spirit of the people who contact them. they attend
  • Irrational expectations: Customers who are not the right ones usually think that the value they pay is very high for a specific good or service, and for this reason they will want disproportionate remuneration with unrealistic expectations. Normally, the customer who buys the cheapest is the one who brings the most inconvenience to a company. It must be understood that a quality service has an associated cost.
  • Affecting good clients: Ironically, focusing on a toxic client inevitably leads to affecting the service to a positive and important client. Therefore, the negative effect becomes exponential, as it means that not only will the client be disappointed, who by default has been and will be, but there is also the risk of giving reasons for dissatisfaction to clients who really generate value. for a company.

Many times, from the power of negotiation and a comfortable corporate position, or unconsciously seeking to obtain benefits or savings at all costs, we make the mistake of forgetting win-win relationships , opting to squeeze the supplier. This practice will never be sustainable, as sooner rather than later the exhausted supplier will conclude that it will be better to say, “Thank you for working with another company.”

In reality, the ideal client is always right, and under this scenario, the client, beyond being right, becomes the reason for a company’s existence . Customer orientation is the heart of a company that has commercial relationships. Therefore, we must be clear that if we manage to be the ideal client (without this going against our interests and possibilities) we will have allies who will wear the shirt for us, and who will surely be happy and proud to put our logo on their cases. of reference, to the point of not seeking to limit themselves to giving us excellent service, but rather they will seek our success as their clients at all costs.

Suppliers being an extension of our team, with motivation they will be unconditional and we will obtain extraordinary results. And remember sensibly and humbly: we are not always right!

Oskar Sarquis

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