How to track resources in the execution of contracts?

How to track resources in the execution of contracts?

Due to its various advantages, today outsourcing is an important part in the development of different processes in companies, therefore, for organizations that outsource it has become relevant to adequately monitor resources, whether they are provided by work, equipment and/or materials supplied by its allies , which are necessary for the execution of the contracts. This process is carried out in order to mitigate certain risks that may arise in said execution such as; the use of non-conforming materials or equipment, the non-availability of resources, the lack of experience of the workforce, and/or non-compliance with either technical or legal requirements. 

By anticipating these risks, organizations are guaranteeing that the contract is executed within the established times, under the determined purpose and scope and with the availability of assigned resources.  

How is adequate monitoring carried out on the resources assigned in contracts? 

It is important to keep in mind that, to monitor the management of resources in contracts, the participation of our allies/third parties is essential since they are the ones who must share the information and documentation necessary for monitoring .  

Stages of monitoring resource management  

There are different stages that can be used to monitor the execution of contracts, although we recommend the following, it is important to keep in mind that the validation criteria or stages may change according to the needs of each company.  

  1. Determine the information : At this stage it is necessary to identify the type of information that will be validated as contained in both the contracts and the resources assigned to the contract.  
  2. Identify contracts that require validation : it is essential to determine those contracts that require monitoring of information and documentation either because they have a high value or because their purpose or scope requires it. 
  3. Establish times : in this stage the times and frequency in which the ally/third party must share the information requested in the “determine information” step are established.   
  4. Validate information : this stage corresponds to the validation of the contract information provided by the supplier, which seeks to ensure that the requirements of stage 1 are being met.  
  5. Report observations/findings :   In the event that, when performing validation, the information does not meet the established requirements, it is important to report to the supplier so that the respective adjustment can be made.  
  6. Adjust information : if there are observations in the validation, the supplier must adjust said information. At this stage it is necessary to maintain direct contact between the validator team and the supplier to resolve any concerns or comments that may arise. 

Zulma Salazar

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