From “war” to productive conflict

From “war” to productive conflict

In our personal lives and at a professional level, as service areas, in Supply and Finance we live in constant relationships of tension that tend to be distorted to the point of devolving into fights or “wars”, where we fall into the error of seeking to be the winner of are. Interacting with multiple actors such as management teams, internal clients, allied areas, communities and suppliers poses an enormous challenge in which these situations of dissent and conflict must be handled in a strategic way to get the best out of them and turn them into positive results. 

How to address conflicts productively? 

To address disagreements or conflicts productively it is key:  

Keep in mind that we are on the same team

Falling into wanting to win an argument is a very tempting mistake. The general perspective should not be lost due to the particularities. The goal should focus on solving a problem and understand that we must all win by being on the same side . This includes suppliers and third parties, under the essential premise that they are an extension of our team. 

Facts and data

Do not fall into rhetoric based on subjective arguments and, much less, engage in speaking loudly to impose ideas. Objectivity is the best legitimacy of a conversation.

Don’t take anything personally

Personal attacks or assuming that others are against us are the ideal scenario to get into unproductive fights. We must have good intentions and, under a premise of good faith, assume that the intentions of others are also good. 


Respecting and listening to all points of view is key, accepting mistakes and being willing to change our point of view is the ideal attitude. We cannot assume that others do not have valid ideas or positions that may be better than ours. 

We should not shy away from confrontations and difficult conversations, in our personal lives and our roles in strategic areas that connect different actors in the supply chain, we have the challenge and need to, with the right attitude and soft skills, turn harmful discussions into conversations. direct actions that lead to productivity. And if the situation is complex, the challenge of personal greatness and professionalism lies in us being the ones to take the first step. 

Oskar Sarquis

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