Digital Transformation: the vaccine for business reactivation

Digital Transformation: the vaccine for business reactivation

The current situation has defined many challenges for all companies that, regardless of their size, have had to look for alternative solutions to provide continuity to their businesses. 

This is where expressions such as: “it is time to reinvent yourself”, “resilience is the key” or “a Digital Transformation (TD) is required”. They are all valid statements, but focusing on the last one, what are the key points for a digital transformation? Is it enough to achieve an adequate business reactivation?

A lot of monitoring is done day by day to the COVID 19 vaccination process carried out by each country. Some more advanced than others, in the end, regardless of progress, the great race for herd immunity has become the maximum goal to be achieved in 2021

But, there are a series of alternative processes that must accompany the great scientific effort that It has been achieved: 1) Provide continuity to self-care protocols, 2) Maintain cleaning habits and 3) Continue avoiding crowds for a while. In summary: Strengthen the vaccine with complementary processes that lead to compliance with the stated maximum objective of massive control of the virus.

Making an analogy to the COVID vaccination process, we find Digital Transformation: It is essential for all companies , which must, regardless of their size, make the respective effort to not be relegated to the overwhelming change that the technological ecosystem faces in all areas, but especially in business. 

However, it is not a process that works well on its own; it requires complementary processes for its execution to be adequate and, ultimately, to have a positive impact on companies.

How to achieve Digital Transformation?

To achieve an adequate Digital Transformation, it is first important to keep in mind:

  1. Digital Transformation does not imply automating for the sake of automating . It is key to understand the objective of digitalization before embarking on streamlining poorly structured processes.
  2. You can start a TD at all levels of companies and, as it grows, it also becomes more sophisticated.
  3. You can turn to agile sources of digital financing to achieve the objective. Companies specialized in supporting small, medium and large companies in achieving Digital Transformation, providing the respective resources under the figure that best suits their size.

Considering the previous points, it is also key to consider and reaffirm that Digital Transformation must be complemented with a business culture that places great emphasis on:

  1. TD is perfected by each and every one of those who are part of the company , it is not only the responsibility of 100% technical teams.
  2. It must be a pillar or business value that has resource allocation, both monetary and time, for each team.
  3. It must be able to mutate and be flexible in the face of internal and external changes.

Only by joining efforts can we achieve a robust and sustainable Digital Transformation over time. Just the vaccine is not enough, it is a long-range commitment and not for the moment .

Andrés Sarmiento

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