New Year, RADIAN new

The efforts that are being developed throughout the country in the implementation and familiarization of companies with the new rule of electronic invoicing are known. Hand in hand with these efforts is the broad courage associated with establishing a system that allows the registration of electronic invoices, which in turn facilitates their negotiation through operations such as factoring or confirming , which in Colombia came to represent approximately 34 billion pesos for 2019.

RADIAN Challenges

By 2018, and with certainty of implementation in 2019, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism had already made the first efforts through the REFEL (Registry of Electronic Invoices) where it sought, among other things, to have an entity capable of facilitating electronic invoice operations , preventing multiple businesses from being generated with the same invoice and, above all, helping the large group of companies in the country that find in invoice financing an immediate and effective solution to alleviate their flow of box.

The next in line of efforts was the DIAN (National Tax and Customs Directorate), which, with the assigned task of achieving the challenge of electronic invoicing in 100% of national companies, was put on the front line to achieve what was intended to be created through REFEL. This time the challenge is being perfected through the RADIAN (Registry Managed by the DIAN), a system that had its first opening to the public on November 25 and with which it seeks, in the words of the director of the DIAN himself, “to radiate economic reactivation and justice in the allocation of resources to those who need it most.”

RADIAN, understood as a platform that will allow the registration, circulation, consultation and monitoring of electronic invoices (already legally recognized as securities), opens an immense range of options for all players who participate in the negotiation of invoices, this time under a scenario totally technological: Companies, Factors, negotiation platforms, electronic billers, among others, are already on the path to organizing what is necessary to be able to interact in the new system.

General guidelines

In order to be aligned with what this new model represents, it is important to take into account the following factors:

  1. Associated regulations: If you want to understand in detail the bases that define the RADIAN guidelines, the regulatory framework involved is: Law 2010 of 2019, Decree 358 of 2020, Resolution 000042 of 2020, Decree 1154 of 2020 and Draft Resolution.
  • Key points to be able to interact with the platform: a) Develop and adapt technological systems that allow technological connection and relationships, b) Have ISO 27001 Certification and c) Have the appropriate SARLAFT.

  • Main role of the RADIAN system : The new platform will seek to govern 4 points mainly: 1) Registration of invoices, being the maximum “guardian” of the documents that pass through its system, 2) Consultation, 3) Circulation and 4) Traceability, step control in step with what happens with the invoice within RADIAN.

  • Understand the events that can occur in RADIAN: 1) Registration for circulation of invoices, 2) Endorsement, 3) Guarantee, 4) Mandate, 5) Limitation, 6) Payment, 7) Protest and 8) Expiration.

The end of 2020 will be framed with explanations from the DIAN about the next steps regarding this tool, which hopes to have its live launch at the beginning of 2021. With this new system, we are not only committed to having greater and better control of electronic invoices , but also to digitize and democratize access to resources for thousands of small and medium-sized companies through what is called “Social Factoring”. The rules are on the table, it is up to all those who participate to reach the required level to, from the perspective of discounting invoices, contribute to the economic reactivation that the country so needs.

Andrés Sarmiento

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