7 common sourcing mistakes and how to avoid them

7 common sourcing mistakes and how to avoid them

The Plan-to-Pay (P2P) cycle covers everything from planning purchasing needs to paying suppliers. However, in this process it is common to encounter challenges and errors that result in loss of efficiency, increased costs, among others. In these cases, technology plays a key role in preventing and mitigating these situations.

Common errors in sourcing

1. Lack of visibility in processes

A lack of process visibility can generate unnecessary costs, non-compliance with regulations and possible interruptions in the Chain.

The solution: Implementing purchasing management software can contribute to complete visibility of processes, from planning to payment. This helps you make informed decisions and maintain control.

2. Lack of coordination between departments

When departments operate as islands that do not communicate, there is a risk of duplicating efforts, generating rework, having duplicate payments, purchasing goods that exist in stock and increasing costs.

The solution: Implement an integrated management system in a single environment that connects the areas involved and their users in the supply process. This will allow for fluid communication, access to information in real time and effective collaboration.

3. Failure to meet deadlines

Delays in requisitions or payments can have a negative impact on the supply chain and the relationship with suppliers.

The Solution : Use task automation software to set reminders and notifications, ensuring each stage of the process is completed.

4. Lack of supplier comparison

Hiring the first available supplier instead of comparing options can result in uncompetitive pricing, lower product quality, and opaque processes.

The solution: Use a technological platform that allows prequalifying suppliers and applying filters to make informed decisions. If this is combined with data analysis tools that compare prices, delivery times and supplier ratings, processes will be optimized.

5. Having outdated supplier information

Using outdated information about products, prices and suppliers leads to rework, delays and erroneous estimates in processes.

The solution: Implement a supplier management system that integrates updated and validated information about these potential business allies.

6.Lack of scalability

Using manual systems or traditional technologies limits the ability to adapt to growth and changes in business needs.

The Solution: SaaS technology platforms are scalable and adapt as the organization grows, allowing you to maintain efficiency and control.

7. Manual processes

Manual data entry increases the risk of human error and delays.

The solution : Automating processes through purchasing management systems reduces errors and speeds up the workflow, from purchase order generation to receipt and payment.

Tatiana Calero

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