Pandemic Vs. Structured Digital Supply

Pandemic Vs. Structured Digital Supply

Stating that COVID-19 changed the world is an assertion that can easily be associated with any work front within the social scheme of all countries in the world. However, there is one that today more than ever is completely exposed and highlights its high sophistication or the points that still need to be improved: it is Supply.

Whether due to all the scaffolding that supports the daily life of companies or the punctual supply logistics that the demanding context of vaccines is demanding, this work front is critical.

The supply

Let’s go in parts. In the first block of Supply work, the “basic” needs of companies for their proper functioning are collected and it is there where the pandemic has revealed the high loads in manual processes, the absence of digitalization or mixed digitalization (coexistence of multiple systems to solve a single problem), the same lack of knowledge about the proper administration of processes, the absence of controls and in some extreme cases the total abandonment of having the Supply focus enabled, considering it as a secondary task.

In this first block of work, it is predominant, either because there was prior preparation or because the situation is forcing the company, to have a constant focus on Structured Digital Supply. 

This consists of having a culture and tools associated with supporting supply processes that tend to consolidate, under the same scheme (homogenize systems and processes and not the sum of multiple tools at the same time) everything that the area and the company need. for the harmonious development of the operation; for example, digital control of the purchasing and supply plan, registration and pre-validation of suppliers, online requests and requisitions, online offers, approval committees and digital control of contracts and merchandise.

Supply logistics

The second work block is that associated with Supply Logistics . At this point, companies and even entire countries have been tested that show either their lack of preparation for the issue in question or, on the contrary, they show evidence of having a culture and structured development that leads them to lead the rankings of countries with the highest percentages. vaccination Vs. total inhabitants.

It is important to consider that another series of factors come into play in the context of COVID vaccines: political, economic, social and even health, but in light of the logistical analysis the work of leaders such as Israel, Denmark and the United Arab Emirates continues to stand out.

The importance of focusing on supply logistics and structured digital operations has become evident, unfortunately due to a global pandemic crisis. If not, the consequences can be quite draining for the company and in this specific case for the economy and the lives of the people of each country.


Structured Digital Supply stands as a need to be monitored by companies and even governments. It is vital to focus on it so that in the next test (ideally not a pandemic again) the company or the Government in charge can solve the required challenges in the best way and, in turn, generate value and efficiencies.

Andrés Sarmiento

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